Sunday 27 January 2013

Windhoek Weekends

Tomorrow, we will be leaving the capital and will be heading down to our project in Tses, but it's been a fantastic introductory weekend in Windhoek. Highlights include a tour of the city's townships, a visit to Joe's Beerhouse to sample some local game and a second early birthday party in the hostel. Less appealing was an terrifying encounter with a cricket in the shower and the departure of our partners-in-crime, our fellow volunteers, as they left for Otjiwarango this morning. Photos below are from yesterday's tour of the city.
Soweto Market
Myself, Jake, Caitlin and James try some of the local meat

Someone's lost their trainers.....

Penduka, a project that offers disadvantaged women and disabled people a job in recycling and manufacturing crafts.
The view over the reservoir at Penduka.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily,
    It's your Canadian cousin from Canada, Sarah. I am here with Bob and Eleanor and we found your blog and are very interested to hear all about your travels with Project Trust. Please keep us up to date as we are very excited to hear from you! Enjoy your journey to Tses and we hope to hear from you soon!
    Your Canadian Family!
