Sunday 1 April 2012

There's a first time for everything...

After getting into a monumental fankle with the whole thing, it would appear that I am now the proud/confused owner of a blog. The title is based on a favourite novel, "My Family and Other Animals" by Gerald Durrell, telling the story of his beloved childhood in Corfu with his wacky family and even wackier menagerie of animals. It captures the sentiment of a proper year's travelling (none of this chundering in Burm-aaah nonsense), and I'm hoping that this forms the basis for my gap year next year. 

In January, I am off to Rwanda to become a teacher for 8 months, with a fantastic gap year organisation called Project Trust. They have been working across Africa, Asia, South and Central America since 1967, sending volunteers to an enormous range of charitable projects after leaving school. It's the first year they have sent their volunteers to Rwanda. It's a massive responsibility, and one that can seem a bit daunting at times, but it's also a huge honour and an amazing opportunity that I am really looking forward to. This blog is designed to chart my fundraising, and my time working in Rwanda. Or at least, that's what it's supposed to do.....

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