Monday 4 February 2013

Happy Birthday To You!

Last weekend, I blogged about our adventures in Windhoek. Southern weekends couldn't be more different. The domestic goddess was unleashed on the house, so the place has been cleaned and all washing done - washing by hand is certainly time consuming, and never again shall I complain about our own dysfunctional washing machine at home. The challenge here is that because we're on hostel property, there are always kids around. Always. Even on afternoons and weekends, they still come over to ask for water/to play with my hair/why I'm STILL so white, if they spot us. Other than the occasional interruption, weekends here are exceptionally quiet, the likes of which I don't think I've ever known. Getting to sit in an armchair with a book all weekend was simply blissful. This week looks set to be a whirlwind of all things bonkers, as 3 members of staff are away, we've started a new timetable and we're going to be left with each of the absent teachers' classes. Chaos doesn't even begin to cover it.

Many of you may know that it was my 18th birthday yesterday. Most people will spend their 18th birthdays busy with lots of presents, extra-special food and most probably a wild night out that exploits one's newfound ability to buy alcohol legally to the maximum. Not so in Tses. Oddly enough, there are two nightclubs here, but you wouldn't want to be in either of them, so instead it was a quiet night in with Caitlin and the other volunteers here (Sachi, Pia and Jenita). Simple, but simply lovely. I had cards from my two housemates, and Pia and Jenita came over later with the cake below, a gesture that was most unexpected but very much touching. An unusual birthday, but one I'll never forget.

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