Sunday 9 December 2012

On the 5 days of Training, Project Trust gave to me...

I returned from Coll last night, and have more to say from a mere 5 days than is probably sensible for a blog post. Put simply, it was a truly incredible week. We all learnt so much, and had such a great time, sharing our hopes and ideas. Particularly after such a longperiod of uncertainty, it was so exciting to be finding out about potential projects, and to really have my future with Project Trust so close and so current. Huge thanks go to the wonderful, wonderful staff at PT for their constant enthusiasm, patience and support throughout the week.

Below are some photos, inclunding one with my partner Caitlin, who will be coming to Namibia with me. As may be evident, it was also a busy week of socialising with the other Particip8 volunteers, all of whom I very fond. It featured late-night carol singing (hence the title), comedy onesies and a great final evening of celebration. They are truly exceptional people, and I wish every single one of them all the very best on their journies.

Did I mention I had a brilliant time?