Friday 30 November 2012

Change of Plan

Time has flown since I last updated my blog, but an entire change of country is a fairly important event in my gap year plans. After lots of waiting, I have finally received news that the new projects in Rwanda will not be going ahead this year. Starting a new country programme means going right back to Square 1; before they can even start thinking about which volunteers can go to which placements, Project Trust need to get hold of some fairly basic but crucial bits of paper giving official recognition of PT and their work as charitable. Unfortunately, bureaucracy was not on our side, and despite the best efforts of the Overseas team over the last year, the Rwanda programme has not been successful in enough time for this year's volunteers.
Instead, I will be going to one of two primary schools in Namibia, in south-western Africa. The country representative will be going out to visit both schools that have requested volunteers, and we are fairly confident that at least one of them will be a success. I'm really looking forward to it, and Namibia seems like a fascinating country. I can't wait to find out more about my project and partner on Training next week. I'm sure there will be much more to follow on my return.